As one of your two representatives on the McHenry County Board for District 3, I will work for open and transparent government, and responsible and efficient stewardship of our precious tax dollars.

Originally from Ghana, I came to the US ten years ago with my wife and young son - after patiently waiting our turn in the annual immigration lottery for four years.

We became naturalized US citizens as soon as we could, welcomed two more children, and are grateful that we could create better lives for our family in McHenry County.

I'm a professional IT auditor, and I know we can improve systems and cut costs using technology.

I am dedicated to giving back to our community!

I’ll deliver:

  • Unwavering commitment to integrity - to foster an environment of trust

  • Prudent and accountable public resource management, because our tax dollars must deliver tangible benefits to our residents

  • Commitment to diversifying and expanding revenue sources by supporting local businesses and promoting new technology - while protecting McHenry County's precious resources

Effective leadership requires collaboration, inclusivity, and commitment to the collective well-being of our community.

Let's build bridges and work together to create a county that thrives on unity, innovation, and shared prosperity!

Join our campaign!

Interested in working together to make McHenry County an even better place?

Fill out your contact info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!